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 The Doll Album

dwhite601's profile
Username dwhite601
Status active
Joined Apr 30, 2006
Location Tennessee
Interests Beach volleyball, flying, music, science fiction, photography
Occupation Engineer (retired)
About my Dolls Vicca is a body 1, face 3 redhead. She's a Russian American actress, dancer, and model.

Holli shares Vicca's body 1, but has a custom face and wig. She is a cartoon girl who loves to dance and aspires to be a real girl someday.

Tia also shares Vicca's body 1, but has a model 14 face. She plays volleyball in Summer Heat Beach Volleyball and is having fun being a RealDoll.

Ankhesenamun has her own RealDoll body. It's body 4 with face 7. She has a custom Egyptian skin tone. Ancki was an Egyptian Queen 3300 years ago. She's back now and loves exploring her new world.

Renee is a Body C RealDoll with the Renee face. She's an artist and a bit of a hippie.

I also have 7 Deluxe Teddy Babes (Holli, Tia, Renee, Ariel, Quita, Ankhesenamun, and Rachel)
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